Mother of God with child

This icon usually goes by the name “Madonna della Consolatione”. Mother of god of consolation and is probably originating from the Byzantine Hodegetria Type (since the child is seated on his mothers right arm). It could also originate from the Kretenian-Venetian school.
This type is widespread in East and West.

Size 28x 35 cm

Jerusalimskaya Mother of God

01 MG JerusalimskajaThe ancient icon which is said to be the work of the evangelist Luke was taken in 455 from Jerusalem to Constantinople, and from there to Kiev. Prince Vladimir presented it to the inhabitants of Novgorod when they became Christians. After Ivan the Terrible had subdued Novgorod, he took the icon with him to Moscow as booty in 1571.

Size: 27 x 35 cm

The Resurrection

2038_anastasisThe resurrected Christ stands in the light flooding down from above, over the abyss of darkness, where the shattered doors and hinges are still visible. The first people Christ liberates from limbo are the forefathers and Kings of the Old Testament, who stand behind him, together with Eve. Finally, Christ pulls out Adam into the light of mercy. Above, angels soar with the Cross and instruments of torture in their hands.

Size: 28 x 35 cm.

The Archangel Michael

1038a_michaelIt is very likely that this icon forms part of a Deesis. The title ‘Supreme Leader of the Heavenly Host’ refers to the rank of the archangel in the celestial hierarchy. The cryptogram on the globe has been deciphered and means ‘Christ the righteous Judge’. The painting is typical of the Byzantine style, the effect of depth and light on the shapes being achieved using a network of fine white lines.

Size: 27 x 35 cm.

The Resurrection

icoon066_vThe original icon was kept in the Byzantine museum in Corfu Town (Kerkyra).
Christ is raising Joseph from Hades on his arm; Mary, the kings of Israel and John the Baptist look on. On Anastasis icons devils are often depicted as small, black human beings with wings and hair standing on end, being punished by an angel in Hades.

Size: 28 x 34 cm.

Jerusalimskaya Mother of God

icoon063_vThe ancient icon which is said to be the work of the evangelist Luke was taken in 455 from Jerusalem to Constantinople, and from there to Kiev. Prince Vladimir presented it to the inhabitants of Novgorod when they became Christians. After Ivan the Terrible had subdued Novgorod, he took the icon with him to Moscow as booty in 1571.
Size: 27 x 34 cm